Friday, July 10, 2009

Saving my sanity...

...or what little I have left! Lol! Today was spent with a cat undergoing surgery...and no, it wasn't the one that had been so sick! Poppa Cat (PC for short) got his shots-then a mysterious lump formed not close to the injection site but on the same side. We played the wait-and-see game and while it shrunk some, it didn't go down as much as we hoped. While the biopsy said it wasn't cancerous but could be pre-cancerous-we decided to have it removed...and today was the day. So, for the second day in a row, I took the cat to the vet. I left him of course and while waiting on the call from the vet (while my husband was napping on his lunch hour!), I made this water bottle hang tag thingy to get my mind off the other 1,000 things I had going on!
Since I managed to buy the larger rather than regular size water bottles, I had to alter the pattern a little bit-making it a tad longer. I used a new accucut die I got (the pocket) so I wasn't too frustrated with myself! This is a gift for someone going in a bag with some other treats and things. It was a super easy project and they would make great party tags--doesn't have to be a water bottle---a small bottle of wine with a nice chocolate instead of the Crystal Light? Hmmm...might have to try that! ; )

Back to PC---the vet did call---and she was totally amazed-the surgery was not at all what she expected! That scared me when I first heard it but then she told me that while they couldn't even see the margins of the lump on the ultrasound a few weeks back, when she made the incision, the lump was just "floating" in the fatty tissue-completely encapsulated and self-contained and came right out without cutting (sorry if you have weak tummy!) The power of prayer, my friends! PC is home, has made up quite well for missing breakfast and lunch and is relaxing as I type. I don't often "preach" here-but I serve an awesome God! I have been through a lot in my life and have seen God work even through the loss of my first husband to cancer and emphysema, the surfacing of my childhood abuse...the list could go on and on. I've learned, and continue to learn, I CAN trust him, and when I do, its just as this card says...
Take time to give thanks. You can bet I am!
Until next time, happy stamping and scrapping...
Blessings, Sharon

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