Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I am PSYCHED....!

Flylady keeps saying "you cannot organize clutter..." -- well, I, like everyone else, have plenty of that---but I also have things like TOOLS...lots and lots of tools... stamps, stamp pads, paper...and the most aggrivating of all (storage wise, anyway)--punches. Plenty of punches (never mind that there are about 8 more on my wish list with Theresa!) Speaking of THeresa-she's in the same boat-how to store punches. Well, she got lucky and at a yard sale Sat. for $ 3 found a nice wire rack to stack and store hers on. Long story short, I am using some of my vacation/holiday time to overhaul the craft room, ceiling to floor, short of painting (I did that last year). And was time to deal with punches. I scoured the thrift stores but no luck. Against my better judgement, I went into Lowes Hardware (always an unpleasant experience--so much so one of our church members had to pray with me at the customer service counter before I completely lost it---another long story). Anyway-so I went to Lowes. They have a large selection of storage things and if you're willing to think outside the box...well, the solution may very well be there...and it was! What I found...I was almost postive would not only work but also fit in the space I had deligated. I did, however, consult with Theresa via cell phone. She agreed. I took two.
I just finished installing them. Yes, they fit and not only that, BOTH OF THEM fit on one shelf with a little room left over (that never happens for us!) They were easy peasy to install and they will hold my punches nicely. Only problem is...I want 2-4 more! (Dear Santa...I want it ALL....?!) What, pray tell, did I end up getting? Two SPICE RACK HOLDERS! : ) I was actually hoping they came with all the jars (didn't : ( ) as that would've given me more to store embossing powders, etc. in --but oh well! They work GREAT for the punches! Rubbermaid, $ 17, Lowes. If you find a better deal on the same thing-PLEASE let me know!!! Anyway, this is a good start and with some minor reorganzing a much easier approach. I have found if its organized, I can find it to use it---and, if I set that timer for just 15 minutes, I can usually clean it all back up because it all has a "home". Well, time to do some major sorting and tossing while watching a movie-or two. I will post pics of the finished room in a few days. Yes, it will probably take that long! In the mean time, have a BLESSED Thanksgiving and happy stamping and scrapping. Blessings, Sharon

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