Tuesday, November 10, 2009


No, no, no---that's NOT what you THINK it is! Lol. Some years ago, there was a picture in one of the Florida newspapers that showed a sign on the door of a shop. It said, and I quote:
"T I RD --- Gone fishing"
The proprietor misspelled "TIRED". And today---I am!
Yesterday afternoon...I spent in the dentist chair--which meant I took "happy pills" that made me sleepy but then was wide-awake most the night...
This afternoon...was spent taking Inky (see photos) to see Dr. Travis & Staff--from which he came home with a clean bill of health (THANK GOD & everyone else!) as he was the "problem kitty/patient for a good while.
Tomorrow... Scarlet, the house must be straightened up...before I let the cleaning lady in the door Thursday (yes, its THAT BAD!!)
The rain...makes the fibro pain worse so as the day has worn on...I am wearing out and getting grumpy! And no crafting in a day...well, you can imagine! : ( (I did...spend Sunday afternoon making my "thank you for your order"gifts...should anyone decide to do so--there's a nice little surprise for you!) Theresa and I are really wanting to grow our scrapbooking/stamping group and classes next year and are brainstorming--no pun intended! There are sure to be all kinds of surprises waiting! My darling husband is going to cook supper so I think I will curl up with some old scrapbooking magazines in the meantime. What's the rest of your week hold? Hoping-until next time-happy stamping and scrapping (time!) Blessings, Sharon

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