Friday, November 27, 2009

What a day...

...and what a mess! Gotta's one of those! The kitten (aka Inky), has stressed himself sick (Brook has been out of town and he's missing his "Poppa" coupled with the fact that I left yesterday afternoon/evening...) So he's in sick bay. I also woke to a cold heat. Not sure...if its the heat pump or we're out of gas...sigh. I've worked all day in the craft room---and you certainly cannot tell! Actually, part of this is under my worktable and will be covered with the skirt when I decide whether I am going to "make do" with the old one or treat myself to new! I've put away all the odds and ends, org'd a lot of what was already there--now its down to sorting paper --gasp!--and stickers and embellishments. I even tackled ribbon today! Sigh. So-there are piles of paper everywhere--and Poppa Cat is wondering about the mess I've made. I have spent about 3 hrs. sorting mm, half of it?! Here's the "before" of the shelves-as embarrassing as they are! S0--all this got pulled out of not one but TWO racks--and I've sorted and recategorized. Then I broke out the new SU label set and punch...and silver-embossed the label outline after I put the categories in the computer. I had just enough mini silver brads to make the labels I could think of for now. I attached them to the front of my paper racks with ATG tape-I think as long as I am somewhat gentle in taking out the papers it will be fine. I've also enclosed a close up shot even tho its a tad blurred. Bad Cat...was also supervising the project. I have a cushioned rolling desk chair at the computer in another room-there always seems to be a CAT in it and I end up sitting on the fold-up chair I moved out there because, Goldilocks, there's always a cat in mine!
lol. Anyway-that's it for tonight! Tomorrow, hopefully, there will be ALL the "after" photos!!! One can hope! Until next time, happy stamping and scrapping. Blessings, Sharon

Bad Cat...

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