...is better (not to mention easier!) I felt some better yesterday---really, I did. I wasn't sneezing and my nose wasn't running (as bad), no fever, and I hade a little energy. Hence, I promptly overdid and feel worse for wear today. Sigh. Anyway--we do have a tree up thanks to my hubby-Inky keeps trying to eat it although it's artificial so we'll probably be back to see the vet before the holidays are over...And we do have a few decorations on it as well. I hate to say, but there is not one present-not one--under the tree from me for my husband or any of the other humans in my life! If the UPS and Fed-Ex men don't start showing up soon I am going to be in deep trouble!
There is one gift, however, for the Kitties. And this is how the rest will be packaged and labeled. I LOVE this Santa stamp (still not sure who its by! Sorry!) and the Naughty or Nice checklist--OHMYGOSH!!! Theresa and I laughed ourselves silly in Michaels when we found it! Of course its Inkadinkadoo---and, its a great set because not only did it have TWO sheets of stamps in it---it was on sale for 30% AND I had a 40% off coupon so I got it for a SONG! Here's a close up of it. The beautiful red grograin ribbon-believe it or not, I found it at Wal-Mart! I should've gotten more and didn't. Oh well. Anyway, this is as fancy as my packages are getting this year. I have my list made of the rest of my "to do's/gotta get's..." so we'll see. If it doesn't get done well, as my friend Susan says, it just means you get to celebrate longer! Lol! I've got to say this--while I've been sick, my husband has taken EXTREMELY good care of me---he's fed me (a lot--I can't seem to get enough to eat since I've been sick), got me magazines, movies, passed the Kleenex, tucked me in, rubbed my neck and back...even filled my car up so it would be ready to go when I was. So I guess on his tag I'd better check NICE, huh?! Lol. Until next time, happy stamping and scrapping. Blessings, Sharon
that paper is adorable!!! Love it!!