Monday, January 4, 2010

Definition of Denial...

...doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Well--I have done it again and again and...and yes, each time I've gotten different results! And The Stamp Queen says that "there are no mistakes in stamping...just opportunities for embellishment."
Yesterday...I was soooo dizzy I couldn't see straight-I think I mentioned that. By 4:00 my darling husband decided I needed to see a doctor-right then and there. He didn't trust me to call my physician today and go. So he bundled me up and took me to the local Urgent Care. Thankfully, a PA I know and really like and respect was working. Her diagnosis-acute sinus infection and fluid in not one but both ears. Antibiotic. Decongestant. Nose spray (have I mentioned I HATE nose spray?!). More rest.
Fast forward to today. Even though she said it may take a few days, I felt a good bit better this morning. I did go to work. I was finished by 1:30 and came home, bundled up in what I call my "knock about clothes" (translate the comfortable, somewhat baggy and occasionally ratty looking things you wouldn't be caught dead in outside the house!) and kicked back and relaxed. Until I got "itchy" to do SOMETHING. I had one more calendar I needed at as a belated gift and thought what the heck-while I was at it I would make one for ME! All went well until...I cut the calendars wrong. I didn't leave enough room at the top for the binder clip. DraT! dOUBle DraT and dag-naBBit. (I can't think straight with sinus headaches so I'll blame it on that!) Ok-so make it work-I was NOT cutting out 24 more little calendars. Then came the A-HA! moment!!! Why not...put the binder clip at the bottom where there actually was room?! So I did! I made a pool of hot glue on the back of the clip and attached the 3-D butterfly sticker. Used the powder trick. Made another little pool of glue on the other side of the clip and attached it to the base of the easel. Push clip open, slip in calendar, close clip. DONE! I didn't...exert too much energy, felt better for having done a little crafty something, and finished the gift I needed. How much better can it get?!I've also...been using the things in what I call my "special stash"--you know, the stuff (T. does this, too so I know I am not the only nutty one in this regard!) I got these butterflies at Michaels months ago. They are really nice--and I know I won't find them again. Sigh. But I decided to use them--and that justifies...buying MORE THINGS I fall in love with and have to have! Lol.
On another note I am not sure of the exact temp outside-other than SUPER COLD (and my volunteer helper today said we may have snow and snow/rain/sleet soon...)---how cold you ask? SO COLD...Inky (aka the kitten even though he's actually 3!) who ALWAYS wants to go outside on our deck---wouldn't go! I opened the door-he felt the air, and dashed away in the opposite direction! Lol. Time for supper, another movie, more meds. Please pass the kleenex, too. Until next time, happy stamping and scrapping. Blessings, Sharon
ps/I just caught my calendar "opps!"--did you---?! ; ) I told you I can't think straight with sinus headaches. Oh well--I guess I get to cut one more time...!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you are on the mend - great calenders - love them.
    Take Care -
