Friday, January 8, 2010

Too Early to be Up...

But Better Than Yesterday! BAD CAT (who today I agree is aptly named!) started "cooing" under our bed for his breakfast at 4:30. They normally ask to be fed around 6:15 and believe me, I'd rather they wait until 7! Honestly, does this look like a STARVING CAT to you?! Lol. Since Inky has special food, I feed BC and PC separate from him-BC was somewhat surprised when he received an empty bowl-: O --but has had the sense to be quiet about it. Everyone else had a nice breakfast and yes, don't fret, I will feed BC later. He's a smart kitty and I think this may actually sink in...well, he is a male...! Night before, however, all of them decided it was time to play on the bed from 2:30 on. Needless to say not much sleep happened and Momma was not a happy camper because of it on top of still being sick!
oK---so on to stamping stuff! First, since its probably time to take down all that we decked the halls with, slip on over to Ali Edward's blog ( and see what she's done with the photos she received in her Christmas cards as well as the cards themselves. I like this idea to document the "as they grow" aspect of families and kids over the years. Adding a card here and there makes for a nice embellishment. Or, simply try the mosaic layout that Nora (Hi Nora!) taught some of us last year. Tammi Potter ( has an awesome book on the art of mosaic layout scrapbooking. Ok---another AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME blog I There are so many beautiful cards and things on this site you will be drooling. I am afraid to ask how long she spends on some of the cards she does! I really enjoyed scrolling and drooling through all the back blog posts she had. Hubby wanted to read and I couldn't get focused to I spent the time checking out this site. It is a FAVORITE for sure! Well, life as we know it on the island will stop today. There is rain and snow predicted. Not a good mix for a hmm, tropical area. EVERYTHING and EVERYONE goes into panic mode (almost as bad as hurricane prep!) and everything shuts down. Over a mere dusting. I really have to laugh over it---I grew up right on Lake Erie in Ohio---I walked to school in snowdrifts well over my head! We drove and functioned and lived in that stuff for months. I am sure Theresa's parents who are visiting from NY will also get a kick out of how we handle a few flakes. Me-I plan on staying tucked inside working on class kits and finishing housework...oh-and feeding the BAD CAT! Until next time, happy stamping and scrapping. Blessings, Sharon

1 comment:

  1. love the picture!!!!! and yes, we had a good laugh over the "snow" panic~
