and I am adding "stupid!" after that for myself~! I learned something new yesterday...after I had sorted all my Close to My Heart sets on Saturday...and made catagory labels for each box, trying to decide how to file what...I was putting one or two "escapees" away when I looked at the little cover sheets in the envelopes. See those words above My Acrylix..."Sentiments", "Celebration" was one of those slap yourself upside the head, sister! moments. DUH!!!! They made it simple---they already catagorized them--why did I have to complicate it?! I confess-for whatever reason I pull my stamp sets out the minute I get them and flip them around-I like being able to see the entire set without the flap and snap in the way (it's just one of (many!) of my little quirks!), so I can't say I've ever really looked close at that sheet before! So---now I will go back and see how I should refile these! Luckily, I only made quick handwritten labels--the "fancy" ones were on the to-do list. And, speaking of to-do, if you scroll down... you'll see why my "to-do's" don't always "get done"! I pulled the baskets out, to sort things into, and look what happens...first the kitten (aka Inky, short for Inkadinkadoo...)
and then Bad Cat had to have a turn, too! I can't put things away for trying to keep cats out! Lol. Poppa Cat got in, too, but he comes right to me when he spies the camera so I just got his backside and tail as he hopped out! Gotta love these guys! Until next time, happy stamping and scrapping. Blessings, Sharon
LOve those little guys!!!