Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Busy, busy, buzzzz....buzzzz....

Last week I felt like I was going in circles and this week, well, it's not starting off much better! BUSY---all too busy! Major undertaking at work with a pictorial church directory in process---I have great volunteers but there is still a lot me, myself and I have to do---and unfortunately, I am not triplets! Then there's the housework---not to mention trying to get our newest family member acclimated. "Dolly", our newest cat, I learned yesterday, was dropped off at a local shelter however they were no longer set up to handle cats. She was eventually taken to our vet's office. She is up to date on all her shots and has been fixed. And yesterday, amazingly, she let me touch her. I've been gently coaxing for 3 days and was losing hope and patience. She does this cute little head butt prancing up on her tiptoes thing when she wants you to rub her! Since she seems very threatened when I stand and almost cowers (or runs and hides), and doesn't want to really come to me face first, I am thinking at some point this poor kitty was abused. She is a sweetheart ---but she will swipe if she feels threatened (my thumb knows all too well.)
What have I been up to in the stamp and scrapping realm of the world? Tune in tomorrow for the ARTFUL LEGACY post for this week from all us great design gals (uh, yeah-it's gone to my head-I noticed my crown has been a little tight lately--hmm, maybe that's what this horrendous headache is from! Lol! Anyway-in the meantime, check out Artful Legacy's blog(http://www.artfullegacyrubberstamping.blogspot.com/). And, speaking of which, didja notice the DESIGN TEAM BADGE at the top right? HUH?! Isn't it PRETTY? And a coffee cup at that! How did she know I am a coffee-holic?! Too cool! Uh, hot-coffee is hot-so is her design! Thanks, Denise, for all your hard work! I love it! A friend of mine (three guesses who!) and I played on Sunday with the template for the Haute Tote Bag that is the newest & hottest thing in blog world. For a first attempt, it wasn't bad---but before I post it I would like to make another one so that pic will have to wait. And then I've been playing with more Artful Legacy stamps to get going on the next design project! Trying to get a step-or two!-ahead!
Well, I need to go check on Dolly one more time---and then get ready to go to work. At least I hear the birds chirping, the daffodils blooming, the trees budding...God is good...recreation...new beginnings...gotta love spring. Oh-and "buzzing"? That's what my husband says I do when I get going doing too many things at once-which is most of the time! Slow down and, until next time, happy stamping and scrapping. Blessings, Sharon

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