Saturday, April 17, 2010


It's Saturday! I slept late--9:30 (after I was up at 6 to feed kitties). I have my coffee-and my day completely to myself. Oh I do have some housework I need to do, and my Artful Legacy Design Team project, some paperwork to sort and do, a kitty with a corneal erosion to deal with BUT STILL...what I get done, will be fine. It's my day to do with at my pace. And I am loving it!
Well, a few weeks back and celebrated my birthday with a girls day out with Theresa. All her gifts were queen-themed. So in sticking with that, I wanted my thank you note to her to be, too. I found this embossing template at ACM some months back and hadn't really played with it until now. But here's what I came up with for her thank you note! I was laughing myself silly thinking of her opening this card and laughing! She has a great sense of humor and keeps me going!

Then, since I had finally received a bunny stamp that, when I saw it on e-bay, I just knew I had to use on another card for her, I worked it up, too, even though it was the day before Easter and I knew it would be late. Theresa loves vintage and this just had that feel to it. The little guy in the sunsuit and the way he was just hugging that bunny for dear life...could've been a picture right out of The Velveteen Rabbit! I tried several different things before settled on this design and I thought I had it all done (and this photo is actually before I added the crystals--they went at the top right corner coming down the side-it really made the card pop) when I decided it need just a little more something. I added the mini crystals (a great deal from Close to My Heart, by the way!) and THEN it was done. Funny how sometimes you just know it needs more...or not.
For the critter lovers out there, please say a prayer for Ms. Dolly. Dr. Travis said that the erosion covers almost the entire eye. I've had erosion's myself and let me tell you-they HURT! Ms. D is under the bed with her eye almost completely closed, refusing to come out to even eat. I think part of her upset yesterday was she was fearful she was going to be left at the vet (she was a stray someone brought them and lived there for over 2 months before I adopted her.) She was a very good patient but I think its probably feeling a good bit sorer today after examining it yesterday. I need to put drops in and cannot get her out. I am not that skinny and I doubt I can get to her under the bed! Can you just hear that 911 call?! lol. So it may be an interesting day(few days).
Whatever you do-take some time for you-enjoy the spring flowers, and have fun stamping and scrapping. Blessings, Sharon
ps/Don't forget to check out Great art work, wonderful tutorials (one by me!), and of course slews of adorable red rubber from their storefront.

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