Thursday, May 27, 2010

Next part of the process...

First--skip on over to Christine and Buck have some pictures from their travels to one of the craft extravaganzas they recently participated in and Theresa has a great Father's Day card posted as well. And here's a get well soon wish for her, too-poor girl is suffering with sinus issues. Feel better soon, my friend, we need to go shopping tomorrow otherwise I will be going barefoot to that ball (aka wedding)!

Ok-NOW I can brag. My husband came home from work-the same day he had delivered my cabinet--he came home from work and moved my hanging cabinet, reassembled Theresa's cabinet for me, patched and painted the wall where the other cabinet was AND cooked dinner! WOW! Was I excited! So I have been slowly and thoughtfully putting things away, moving, reorganizing--"blessing others" (aka as adding to my stash to give away, sell, etc. what I don't need or use anymore...). The new cabinet is FULL. I may change my mind later and move the drawers back out some place else but, for now, I think this system is going to work. Here's what it looks like:

The two large green baskets in the middle are holding my ribbon overflow! One basket has extra spools of things like holiday, pet and just things I might have 4-5 of (the ribbons I use the most are in the "drawers" to either side). The other basket holds my "fibers"-the things like twine, eyelash yarn, wire, etc. I was overwhelmed when I took them out and looked at the tangled up mish mosh of stuff! What I ended up doing is sorting them into like things and color families: "wire", "natural fibers", "fall colors", etc. Then I put each "family" into large, Ziplock bags and labeled them with a Sharpie. They went into the basket with what I use most toward the front. Now...all my ribbon is in one place in the room-not 3-4 places. Which is part of my goal in revamping things--get things where they are most accessible to where I use them and together rather than scattered about. Cleaning off the work table and restoring the wood mounted stamps in that cabinet is next on the agenda. Every little bit I get done is motivation to move ahead even when it seems daunting! I am being ruthless, too, in what I decide has to stay. I am tired of being overwhelmed by piles and stacks of stuff...I never touch but can't bear to let go of. It's time. Need (more) motivation? Visit Her systems and routines really do work. I've fallen off her wagon more than once--but I am getting back on-starting with MY SPACE! And today at 1:00 starts my 4-day week-end, 2 days work, then off for the wedding in MD. Whew! Lots to do! On second thought, maybe I will go take a nap like Poppa Cat and MP Bear...Until next time, happy stamping and scrapping. ps/Christine also has storage cabinets for sale on the site if you are jealous of mine! For all beginning crafters out there, or oldy-moldy ones like me--I've got to say---good organizational and storage tools are by far worth the investment you make in them! Pare it down if need be, but keep what you have organized and labeled. It will save you A LOT of time and aggravation in the long run!

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