...you go in the bathroom, click on the wrong light switch (out of 4) and think, "I've clicked on the wrong site! Lol. Gotta. Things have not been going too well in my life recently (among other things, the OKI StampQueen fell on her royal a** ahh, kiester---yesterday when she went down her walkway (literally!) on her way to work!) ---and I covet your prayers--as many as you can spare! I will try to post some (more of) my accomplishments from MY FIRST CROP before the week is out! Until next time, happy stamping & scrapping. Blessings, Sharon
ps/take a minute and check out the following sites:
www.artfullegacyrubberstamps.blogspot.com; www.acherryontop.com (particularly graphics 45 papers-TO DIE FOR!!! I want them ALL!!!!!)
you'll be glad you did!
very cute!!! Hope you are better soon!!