Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Well, the CAMERA really isn't "missing"--it was found...or I should say "remembered" about 5 minutes after we headed home from Theresa's last Sat. from her son's 21st birthday pig pickin--Someone who is scatterbrained and shall remain nameless (and must've had her tiara on too tight again) left it sitting on Theresa's side table on the screen porch...sigh. Oh well. I will recover it soon enough!
Not a lot has been happening in the crafty kingdom of late, anyway! I was sidelined last week with a horrible migraine headache. Then tonight the "groupies" are coming for our monthly class so some time (not much!) was devoted to cleaning house and planning the class. The question they posed-and expect Theresa and I to have an answer to--is--How to get MORE pictures on a page. Hmmm...well, there IS a secret-but I'm not telling just yet. And the answer isn't what you would expect it to be! Stay tuned! We'll be a smaller group tonight-Theresa will be returning son Stephen and girlfriend Lauren to the airport and MaryCobb decided she wanted to try sleepwalking and managed to fracture not one but two bones in her left foot! Did I mention our house is up on pilings with two flights of stairs?! Rowena is taking some time to catch her breath and well, just do some grieving after the loss of her husband. We will miss you gals and will think about you. But it will be FUN and there will be FOOD--and I am sure lots of laughter. And who knows, maybe even a little stamping and scrapping.
I'd better go get the royal buns ready for the day job--it's been quite busy with a new preschool director on board and getting her ready to start. Then there's things like the weekly bulletin, monthly newsletter...I do love my job! They pay me to basically scrapbook on the computer-find the clip art, make it look nice...print it out. Oh yeah-answer the phone, do attendance...it's good.
OH-WAIT! One-well, TWO more quick things! Looking for an awesome flick? Check out THE BLIND SIDE. Then, once you have, read the book IN A HEARTBEAT which talks about the family the movie is based on. I guarantee---it will change you! It is an awesome, awesome story! Even if you are not a football fan, PLEASE watch it and read it. It's NOT about football! ; )
Until next time, happy stamping and scrapping.
Blessings, Sharon

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