Saturday, November 20, 2010

Whew...! So what the heck was (IS) it, Anyway?

It's been a PAINFUL week! I have few clues--but after learning on Tuesday that a good friend had passed away, I was hit with another "attack". It started just under my breastbone in the middle this time, radiated to the back and, on a scale of 1-10, was at an 8 for about 3 hours! Repeat again Thursday night. My "I am going to get to the bottom of this" attitude while waiting for the new doctor appt. on Dec. 1st kicked in---I researched gall bladder remedies (as that's what they said back in Sept. although my symptoms then didn't match up with gb) and as I was coming home from the grocery and doing a "diary" in my head of events (stress involved in each onset), food (dairy was different--more of it...) the lightbulb clicked. I was---allergic to milk and eggs as a child. I outgrew it-and developed different (food) allergies. But I have had a lot of dairy lately and, have to confess, cheated with some of the foods I know are no-no's. I eliminated dairy yesterday, tried some home remedy recipes for gb--and made it through the night with NO PAIN! Interesting! Very, very interesting. We shall see what happens from here on out. Going to be a great weight-loss program as there's not much left I can eat! Lol. Anyone with any ideas, recipes for low-fat/dairy-free ---PLEASE pass it on! I am also wheat, corn and soy allergic! My next goal is to find a dietitian/nutritionist who can work with us. My darling husband has done an AWESOME job but cutting out dairy---eliminates A LOT MORE STUFF!
I am back on track with decluttering our bedroom today and preparing for company. I am proud to say that I have stayed on the Flylady program and there's not much to do in the rest of the house as far as "home blessing hour"! Just the usual tidy! It also made the nights of pain and days of recuperating easier---I was able to RELAX instead of looking and piles of clutter and thinking "oh---I should be doing" or worse-getting up, going on and doing despite my health!
I am actually getting excited about some things I want to make and do for gifts for Christmas-cards that need to be done, etc! Simply because, after decluttering, I have TIME on my hands to do it with! Off to finish! Until next time, happy stamping and scrapping! Blessings, Sharon

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