Friday, December 10, 2010

Early Christmas Present...

and don't always believe the doctors! I am sooo excited-and thankful-and blessed! I just received a phone call from my NEW physicians office and was told that my lab work-including cholesterol-is NORMAL and that while the ultrasound shows "some gall stones" there is NO inflammation or thickening of the wall! Translation: I DO NOT NEED SURGERY! I am so excited! Diet, acupuncture, exercise and restesting for food allergies will, hopefully, control the issue(s) at hand. Had I believed the hospitalist-and my former (key word! FORMER) MD who was "too busy to listen"-I'd be recovering from surgery over the holidays--and my pocketbook would be far poorer! I am doing my happy dance for sure! The ultrasound tech was stunned yesterday that I had not already had surgery-"It was pretty angry when I saw it before"--and I am sure she's really shaking her head now! While learning to eat low fat and avoid dairy until I am retested is a challenge with an already long litany of what I can't eat-but it sure beats surgery! I am just not at all keen on having parts God put in taken out! And as my chiropractor said yesterday-if something isn't working-we need to wake up and pay attention and make changes to fix it! Yep, I need to lose some weight-I need to exercise-and with a strong family history of heart issues, eating healthier won't hurt, either. I am not at all discounting the POWER OF PRAYER, either! I am taking this GIFT to heart! Off to do some more housework, holiday preparations, and a sample card for an order that needs to be done asap! Until next time, BLESS YOU prayer warriors--and, if in doubt, PLEASE don't hesitate to get second-or third or---opinions! Oh-and happy stamping and scrapping! Blessings, Sharon