Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I have to go to work today--but that's ok--as I am on my "end of the year get it cleaned up & ready for next year" mode for my office there, too! Others will be out so it should be nice & quiet! http://flylady.com - go there!
I FOUND---the Cricut cartridge I didn't know if I had actually bought or not (if you read yesterday's post this makes more sense!)! GO ME! It has not one but SEVERAL crowns on it so I think I will use that to cut crowns to help label my goodies as well.
Hubby fixed...my paper cutter and it's nothing he did-but it's not cutting right. For whatever reason, I am getting little snippets of paper in the cutting groove and the blade isn't staying seated in it's arm track well at all and cutting all cattywhampus. So---I think I will order the Close to My Heart paper cutter-er, trimmer as they call it-today. Yes, you need the swing arm and guillotine style both. At least I prefer to have both. And my "big cutter" is just fine!
After finishing the bachelor training courses, I also have lots and lots of info and ideas spinning around in my head to do and share and...sigh. I will also be adding to that by starting the masters courses tonight! Headphones make it easy for hubby to read and me to listen to the courses-I used a small stool to hold the laptop but my sciatic nerve still isn't happy with the arrangement. So please say a prayer I can literally work that little kink out!
OH! BUT THE BEST NEWS OF ALL--TODAY IS THE DAY--the NEW CLOSE TO MY HEART CATALOGS COME! I cannot wait! If I didn't LOVE my job I would be sorely tempted to call in sick to sit and wait! I might accidentally tackle the FedEx guy so maybe it's a good idea I don't!
Then I think the BLOG needs an overhaul! Theresa is cringing! It was a nightmare the last time I messed with it! I know enough to get myself into trouble-but not enough to get myself out! But-I have a cousin whose wife does website design and maybe I will tap into the resource if I get in a fix. It just needs some cleaning up and tweaking. While I like the background, it makes the text hard to read. Any suggestions welcome!
Well, I'd better go get ready to go-I've got wild hair today for sure (please pray my hairdresser recovers from his back surgery and comes back SOON! He's awesome and I need a cut and some other things BADLY!) Until next time, happy stamping and scrapping. And-if you see the FedEx guy---SEND HIM MY WAY! (Theresa-is Bob working the island today? I have muffins-coffee-even chocolate! I can bribe him! Lol!) Blessings, Sharon

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