Saturday, February 19, 2011

It doesn't pay to cheat!

Hi all.  Sorry there's nothing new to post today--at least not yet. That may (hopefully) change before the week-end is out.  Between "nibbling" on Valentine chocolate and eating at a Chinese buffet not once but twice this week...(at which I cannot resist the seafood casseroles (with cheese...) and crab rangoons (sp?--again, more cheese)...and some extra stress...I suffered with a 7-hr. long gall bladder attack Wed. night. So not fun!  It finally subsided around 9 yesterday morning but by then I was too sore and worn out to do anything other than sit on the sofa with the heating pad.  Hubby was a great nurse-fixed my lunch and supper (even though he fixed two since I wasn't going to upset the apple cart again and went bland and light!) as well as picking up a pain Rx and bringing me juice.  Ahhh...high price to pay for being pampered but it was nice!  Today I feel MUCH BETTER and while I LOVE cheese and chocolate...I think I've learned that MODERATION--a little with a lot of time in between (as with all my other food allergies!)-- is the only way to go. 
It's a pretty day here-sun is out-may even warm up a bit. The daffodils and jonquils are budding up and we've already enjoyed a few crocus.  And,Theresa has new Stampin' Up stuff for me! Including the new whatever that CUTE little triangular hanging pouch thingy is---! IT'S ADORABLE is all I can say! And my friend, whose cute little triangular hanging pouch thingy die didn't come it--it was back ordered...was patiently sitting there with mine all wrapped up...looking at it...and, since we're so much alike I can safely say she was probably doing some drooling---and me, being the good friend I am (!), told her to GO FOR IT--rip that package open and try it out for crying out loud! It was ok to play with my toys!  What are friends for, anyway?! I was an only child. My mother sent me to Sunday School so I would learn how to share! Lol!  So--I'm sharing! Hopefully she did what I told her...and will have a few made up when I go to pick the stuff up.  For now, I am off for a coffee refill and some housework!  Until next time, happy stamping and scrapping! Blessings, Sharon

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