Tuesday, March 1, 2011

God is good...

Ok.  So I threw a "Sharon fit" with Him last night.  And I put out a prayer request before that even.  You see, the test result (mid-Jan.) was "abnormal."  Need another test. Need another dr. to do another test. Hurry up and wait...only to have said test not happen as planned.  I am a Type-A personality. I worry.  I also buried a husband with cancer.  If something isn't right-I don't care that 99.9% of the time the second test is normal.  I want to KNOW and I want to know NOW.  So finding out the test wasn't going to happen tomorrow...that I was faced with another 2-month wait with that dr. (whom I knew nothing about)--and an even longer one with a highly-recommended physician....it was the last straw yesterday.  I lost it.  Totally.  Today...Linda, from my primary care physician's office, called.  I have an appointment in 2 weeks...with the physician I thought I was going to have to wait 3-4 months to see!  I don't know how she did it---but she did.  I am not sure what I will do to thank them--but I will do something! They listened.  They heard my frustration-not to mention fear-and acted on it.  And I am appreciative.  Particularly to those around me who interceeded on my behalf.  Prayer works!  Maybe now I can go finish that scrapbook page.  Right after I thank Him one more time.  Have you...counted your blessings today? Hmmm...until next time, happy stamping and srapping. Blessings, Sharon