Sunday, April 17, 2011

For now, I need a little "Whine"...

So since Friday my voice has been coming and going...mostly going.  I sounded so bad when I woke up on Friday that when I went out to feed the feral cats, Moe kitty raced down the first flight of steps and hunched down and looked at me when I said "good morning"!  You look like my momma but you sure don't sound like her!  My husband claims he likes my deep, sexy voice and I sure would be singing base if I were in church this morning.  Coughing, not to make everyone else sick for Easter.  I would be croaking through the praise songs...not sure the praise band would appreciate my "not so joyful noise! Sigh.  I whipped through my fav blogs this morning as there were very few new postings.  EGGS are popping up everywhere, though. 'Tis the (spring) season.  This little bowl sits on my desk year-round.  Those eggs are really a light speckled blue.  (And no, the thing on the left is not an egg-it's a buckeye.  I am originally from Ohio and we had a buckeye tree in our backyard)  This is just one of those things that I see and smile and relax a little by looking at. Not sure why.  Maybe its the whole nesting thing.  If you want to see some really pretty eggs, go to Theresa's  Martha Stewart better watch out! ; ) 
I am off to get some more coffee,  try and get some cards done, kits finished for Tues. night (hopefully I will be recovered by then or may be using sign language to teach along with a mask!)  and a few other things.  Until next time, thanks for letting me whine---and happy stamping and scrapping. Blessings, Sharon

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