Saturday, May 14, 2011

Taking a break...

the books....are FINISHED. Except for...3. The photos didn't come-but will next week. For now, the FINISHED books are waiting for business cards and a twine bow to seal the deal.  That's tomorrow. For today...I took a break between them and laundry...with a cup of coffee and did some blog hopping. There's a salty breeze coming in the front door...some music from another blog playing...ahhh.  And I ended up here at Kelle Hampton's Blog...she has some AWESOME photography...two BEAUTIFUL girls...and I enjoyed scrolling through...big and little painting nails....sand in the mouth...and, as I looked a little closer...I realized there was something special about the youngest one...and I wondered, "does she have Downs?"  So I clicked on Kelle's bio-nothing. Then I went to her link If you are new, start here...and read about Nella's birth story--you can read it here--but, before you do, get comfortable.  Find something to drink...and by all means...don't forget the KLEENEX.  Lots of  them!  The tears are gushing and they aren't showing signs of letting up any time soon.  I got to the part about the dr. coming in and telling her...and let me tell you, I will be saying a prayer (of thanks!) for that dr. for a very long time! Kelle writes:

 My pediatrician snuggled Nella up in a blanket and handed her to me...and she knelt down next to my bed so that she could look up at me...not down. She smiled so warmly and held my hand so tight. And she never took her eyes off mine. We had been through a lot together with Lainey's jaundice and I have spent many tearful conversations with her over the course of these two and a half years. She is an amazing pediatrician. But at this moment, she became more than that. She was our friend as she beautifully shared the news.

I need to tell you something.
...and I cried hard... "I know what you're going to say."
She smiled again and squeezed my hand a little tighter.
The first thing I'm going to tell you is that your daughter is beautiful and perfect.
...and I cried harder.
...but there are some features that lead me to believe she may have Down Syndrome.
Finally, someone said it.
I felt hot tears stream down and fall on my baby's face. My beautiful, perfect daughter. I was scared to look up at Brett, so I didn't. I just kissed her.
And then, Dr. Foley added...
...but, Kelle....she is beautiful. and perfect.

OHMYGOSH! Bring the buckets, please!  The story goes on...and I can't wait to read her other posts...she may even have a book by now--I will be checking it out-for sure!  Kelle's sister went on to tell her that she had been chosen-and it was indeed a special thing.  I agree. Theresa is my great friend. Theresa is mom to Theresa, Too (Two)--"TT" for short--her beautiful and perfect daughter who just happens to have Downs.  Theresa's birth story as quite different--but Mom Theresa didn't listen to those around her-Thank you, Jesus-and Mom Theresa, despite the depressing prognoses of the medical professionals, has done an AWESOME job of raising this special girl.  I simply can't imagine life without TT.  She keeps us laughing. She greets her mom (and me!) with "Hi, Beautiful!"  She can shop until WE drop--as long as we feed her! lol! Life is definitely in the moment for her. No holding grudges. No worries from yesterday. It's now. It's simple. There's so much we can learn from her...  Time to switch laundry. And maybe make a couple of cards for my friends named Theresa--they are, after all...beautiful and down-right perfect!  Until next time, happy stamping and scrapping. Blessings, Sharon

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