Saturday, June 18, 2011


Another sleepless night. Sigh. Instead of gall bladder attacks once a seems, after surgery, one has one on-going attack. Coming and going continuously.  Incisions are now starting to itch like crazy as well. So, let's see: no gall bladder but still having attacks. Itchy incisions. Eating basically instant mashed potatoes, toast-and oh, let's not forget the divine canned chicken!   Did I mention swallowing Aleve by the fistfulls?  Can't even take the  sheets out of the dryer or carry the clothes basket as it hurts to lift, pull, etc. so doing anything more than sitting on the royal kiester is out of the question.  Praying my massage therapist can give me some relief with the migraine and upper back pain from having to sleep in weird positions.  This is a week and one day out now. I am overtired, uncomfortable, and ticked off.  THIS is better?!  Give the gall bladder back, please. I'd rather suffer through a bad attack every now and again and be able to do things, eat a little more than mush, and sleep. 
That, and the "baby" is still not himself, either.  He probably needs to go back to the vet, but lifting him and the carrier in and out, up and down is out of the question. 
Until next time...

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