Wednesday, August 17, 2011

DANGER: AVOID INSIGHT FAMILY HEALTH and I have not abandoned my blog...

or my followers!
I have, instead, been trying to deal with the so-called medical profession.
Back when I still had my gall bladder
and was trying to avoid surgery
my then acupuncturist sent me for food allergy testing.
One thing at that office led to another and, thankfully,
for a few short months, I found some relief from perimenopause.
Oh-and discovered---I can eat CORN again! (BIIIIIIGGGG SMILE)
Then, when I said I was down to one---just one--bad day a month
the practitioner looked at me a said, "you don't even need that!"
And she tweaked things.
I didn't listen to the little voice in the back of my head that was really SCREAMING
"don't mess with a good thing!"
I had gone from 4-out of 4 bad weeks a month
to one bad day. Why mess with it.
I didn't listen.
And I had gall bladder surgery.
And everything went to hell in a handbasket (forgive my word choice.)
My hormones are all out of whack
and the stressors of surgery coupled with weeks of rain
and probably the medicines from the surgery
sent my fibromyalgia into a raging flareup like I've never experienced.
 I got an appointment with my practitioner. Had to wait 3 painful weeks.
When I got there, she had not reviewed the notes I had sent her---
despite my having said numerous times "Since the surgery this, that and the other...."
at the end of the visit she asks me....
"did you ever see Dr. Bebb (surgeon)?"
She also changed my entire protocol.
This was on a Thursday.
She isn't in on Fri and of course they are closed on Sat. and Sunday.
I had significant adverse issues with two of the meds I did try.
I sent another fax with 6 questions at 9 AM on repsonse.
At 9 AM on Tuesday I am totally nauseous and calling again.
At 10:30 I get a phone call from an assistant.
"I don't have your chart-tell me what's going on?"
So I told the entire story----again.
She asks, "What upset your stomach?"
How should I know? She changed everything so I have 5-6 new supplements
(this is a homeopathic practice combined with traditional medicine)
so HOW DO I KNOW which one upset me?
At 4 PM --after I had to leave work and spend the day in bed I was so sick
the phone rings.  It's the assistant.
My pain level is beyond her scope. I need to go to a pain management clinic.
Ok. Fine. I fully expected that was coming.
But what do I do with the other issues?
Her (the tech's) answer?
"I don't know."
By this time I lost it. 
I told her I needed to know how to come off the bioidentical hormones the practitioner had me on.
Ok. I have to call you back. 
And she does.  Are you ready? She asks me
"How much are you on a day?"
Nope. Not kidding. 
I am a natural red head.  I have a temper.
My guess is---what happened is she told me to stop some things cold turkey
that I should have tapered off of. And she has no clue how to deal with it.
So--for locals
in Wilmington, NC.
I did-and I am regretting every minute of it today.
Yeah, I know-I had 1-2 months of relief somewhere in there
but that doesn't help the misery I am in today...
Let's compare my experience with  Insight Family Health
to my experience in this same time frame with our sick cat and vet's office.
On Friday night my husband tells me our oldest cat, Bad Cat, has been sick since Tuesday.
Not eating. Choking. Not meowing. Listless.
Thankfully, our vet works every 2nd and 4th Sat. and we hit the right week-end.
I left a voicemail message.
By 9:10 Sat. AM I had an appointment lined up. Hubby made the vet run.
Came home with meds and a good prognosis-nothing serious.
Monday afternoon...the vet tech calls me to check on the cat!!!
I had a question for the vet. She called back at 6:20 PM that same night.
The cat's practiotioner CARES!!! The cat..gets better care than Momma...
and yes, I HAVE considered pasting on a tail and walking on all 4's!
Kudos to RIVER ROAD ANIMAL HOSPITAL---Dr. Travis is awesome!
As for me...
here I sit in t-total misery with no clue what to do or who to see.
I am totally disillusioned with ALL of the so-called medical professions
I have respect for a total of two physicians
and neither one are accessible to me. 
I will probably start another blog
on dealing with perimenopause and fibromyalgia.
There's got to be answers somewhere...and a better quality of life
and if someone else might benefit from my trials and errors and
It will be a journey...
The good news is...the bed is coming on Friday---please God.
I won't have anything crafty probably until the week-end.
Don't give up on me!
Until next time, happy stamping and scrapping.

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