Saturday, August 27, 2011

Praise God...

We are back home--
safe and sound with NO DAMAGE (not even a missing shingle!)
 from Hurricane Irene!
The sun is even shining at the moment.
There's lots of water between the first row homes and the dune
so at some point it appears the ocean came over
but no damage or water standing beyond that space.
Now its time to put things away again
while praying for our family & friends still in her path.
Many thanks to Ms. Wall who gave us shelter in the storm--
her home is ground level and more inland
and I slept well not rocking and rolling from the wind.
Thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers!
Until next time, happy stamping and scrapping!


1 comment:

  1. Soooo glad you are ok hun - wondered if you would be in the path...glad you are safe
    Sarah x
