Sunday, August 21, 2011


I had good intentions of getting some housework done today
by choice...
but hubby went to take a nap
and I felt like I needed to be quiet...
so blog hopping kinda took over...
oh well-it's Sunday...
time to rest.
The housework will wait.
While looking at AOL home page, however
I came across this little tidbit...
oh my!
they don't mention this room, however...
um, it's my so-called CRAFT ROOM.
So what does this mess say about me?!
well, for one,
health issues kinda took over the majority of my summer
and when I did feel crafty--
it was all I could do to do that--
and clean up just never happened.
I *usually* know where its all at-
even in the chaos.
But there's a lot here that doesn't need to be, too
and since I am feeling better
(two for two on sleeping through the night!
it's time for a major overhaul in there. I needs a wee bit of attention...
but not today, Scarlett!
Gotta change out laundry and then theres the small matter of
the usual week-end boat ride, swim, sunset picnic supper with a little lesurily reading thrown in...
housework will wait!
(I used to get crazy with having to clean it all on the week-end
no time to relax until I did...and it never ALL got done...
my late husband's cancer taught me--although sometimes I do forget...
that there are other things more important
than housework...
when I need to refocus...I go back to
her tips, tricks and routines...
15 minutes at a time.
As for the NEW bed...and napping...
I think the cats are enjoying  it, too
as this is where everyone ended up
PC seems to be giving it 4 paws up...and Bad Cat is yawning...

PC (the one with 4 paws up...) likes being read to.
We have a night-time ritual.
I have a favorite child' story we've read together for the last month...
we stretch out on the love seat, he curls up on my tummy and listens.
This book is delightful....check it out hereand the illustrations...are AWESOME
(I particularly like the lightening bugs!)
Yeah, I know-
crazy cat lady comes to mind.
I need grandchildren....but that doesn't seem to be happening
so, in the meantime, PC will have to do!
(Although...Bad Cat and Inky aren't usually to far away, either!)
Better go get that laundry...
Until next time, happy stamping and scrapping!

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