Wednesday, October 26, 2011

And the award goes to....

Imagine my surprise last night when I found the following e-mail
in my mailbox:

I have awarded you a blog award. Visit my blog here for more on this:
Just letting you know I think your blog is great. Thanks for sharing!

And so I high-stepped it right over there (wouldn't want the tiara to slip dontchaknow!)-
and this is what I saw:

Blog Award

Last week, I was awarded a blog award by a great friend (whom I have never met!). It is the Liebster Blog Award and the word Liebster means beloved or favorite. Thank you so much, Carolyn. You should go and check out her yummy craftiness here.
Here are the rules to accept this award:
1. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you.
2. Reveal your top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog. These picks must have fewer than 200 followers on their blog.
3. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
4. Have faith that your followers will spread the love to other bloggers.
5. And most of all - have fun!
Without further ado, here are just a few of the fabulous blogs that I follow.
Heather at Creative Cocount
Nikka at Create Your Vision
Sharon at Oak Island Stamp Queen
Emily at Faith, Hope and Art
Tonya at In All Sassiness
Take a minute to check out these ladies blogs. They are amazingly talented. You won’t be disappointed.

Well!  I am stunned-just stunned!
I accept this award
on behalf of myself
and my coworkers
(namely BC, PC, Inky and Dolly)
and my hubby who cooks while I stamp and scrap
and my groupies
(Theresa, Sharon, Buzz, Mary Cobb and Maren)
and of course the original StampQueen herself, Carolyn.
I wouldn't be what I am today
without each of you!
Now-let's see...
Even the Queen must follow the rules...
so here goes...
1-Thank the giver and link back
Twyla, I have no clue how you found me--
but you made my day! THANK YOU!
2-Reveal your 5 picks---I will wait and do that last...
gotta have a little suspense now and then...!
3-Copy and paste the award on your blog--
now we're getting technical folks, may have to tackle that this afternoon...
but I will, OH YES I WILL!!!
4 & 5 - Have faith that your followers will spread the word
& have fun.
Yep. I believe these gals will-yep.
without further ado--
here's who I picked...
drumroll, please, Greg---
wait-he's still asleep? Not here?
Note to self: ask Greg to do drumroll for blog sound effect-
then tell me how to put said sound effect on blog-lol!
Ok-so use your imagination, people...
The first pick is...
that was easy-that was a given!
This girlfriend deserves all the awards I can possibly give her!
She hangs in with all my issues and frustrations
and helps keep me somewhat sane...!
The second pick...
Jill at Blessed Scrapper
She has adorable things-
and I like her title-Blessed Scrapper...
Third up...
just neat decorating ideas and so much more--
pretty cards-cute layouts
and she's sick right now-so she could use some extra love...
And in Fifth...
She posted on the Close to My Heart bulletin board
that she's had one follower---her hubby
us gals have taken a peek, love her blog--and want to help her out!

Now-please don't feel bad if you weren't mentioned-
I had trouble finding #'s of followers on some-
or you had a lot of followers...
or I only had 5 I could pick!
I promise a linky post sometime soon-
well, after Holly Days
of my fav blogs-some had thousands of followers
(imagine! I was excited when I went over 60!)
Off to let these ladies know they've won!
And then it's off to work.

Until next time,
and happy stamping & Scrapping!

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