Wednesday, January 18, 2012

So---what's a CROP anyway?

One of my followers commented
that she didn't know what a CROP is---
so let me explain...
a crop is where a bunch of scrapbookers and stampers gather
to well, scrapbook and stamp together.
You are often charged a small fee
to "rent" table space...
and it's often held at a scrapbook/stamp store
(which is where ours will be-our most "local" store-1 1/2 hrs. away!)
or some venue where there are supplies
(paper, stamps, embellishments, etc.) available for purchase.
is often served
(the shopkeeper will provide lunch for us as part of our fee)
and we will spend from 10 AM until 6 PM
scrapping and stamping our hearts out.
It's time for us gals to sit and work and chat and...
from kids, husbands, cats (in my case)
or be worrying about that load of laundry that's needing to be done
or the dust bunnies we should be sweeping up
from under the sofa!

It's best to prepare for the CROP
to plan what you are going to take to work on...
(it's not a class where you are taught how to make something-
it's take your own projects to work on...)
and take what supplies you have and tools you need...
While it's fun to shop--
and nice when you need that extra sheet of paper
or that perfect embellishment
to have it handy...
 that can get expensive, too!
So I plan...
and yes, I usually buy some things as well
(which is what the shopkeeper hopes!)

Theresa and I had planned an AWESOME CROP
of our own last year--
we had a great menu planned
a massage therapist lined up to do chair massages
(neck and shoulders while you are seated in a special chair)
drawings for prizes
things to buy
and what we thought was the perfect location.
Turns out that we were promised the moon with the space
and lots of promotional work by them--
that never happened.
They did NOTHING.
(Beware if you plan a venue with Boiling Spring Lakes Rec Center!
Just a heads up for any local followers!)
So---our crop fell through.
Maybe we'll try again this year---in another space, for sure!
hope that helps explain what a crop is!
It's really lots of fun...
I will try to remember (Theresa-remind me!)
to take some photos to post.

For now, I'd better go get ready for work!
Tomorrow I will try and post STEP TWO
in getting ready for a CROP--so stay tuned!
Until next time,
happy stamping and scrapping!


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