Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Like magic...

A shout out and HUGE thanks to
Tresa Black
The StampGoddess herself
for taking the time to fix my photo!
I am sooo happy all those ugly brown spots are gone...
in case you missed it-
here's what she started with...
Nice improvement, huh?
I'm happy!

Now if only one or any of us could wave our magic wands

and make my furry friend reappear...
Cocoa Puff (r)  is still MIA---
and his buddy (Moe-left)
is sooo sad.
Breaks my heart.
Moe did let me actually pet him this morning
not once but several strokes several different times!
Unheard of...
even though they've both been around us since kittens
they are feral...
Hubby did contact our local animal control
and they've not seen him
(good news---hopefully...)
and I may just fax a photo to the local vets
just in case.

Back to the photo for a moment if I might...
it is hanging on my wall
in my newly-decorated craft room
next to some wall art that says
"Create your own happiness..."
Things haven't been going well for me of late
and I've been pretty miserable...
emotionally, mentally, physically
and yeah, one affects the other
and once that downward spiral starts...
it's hard to stop.
I can see some heads nodding
uh-huh...you've been there, too...
That's when we need to put the brakes on---
take a nap.
eat something good.
get a hug.
get some QUIET.
exercise a little
(yoga!or a bike ride!).
take another nap.
don't let yourself get
too tired. too hungry. too angry.
stay in the moment...focus on the now
(tomorrow has enough worry for itself)
give yourself the "down time" you need-
give yourself permission to take the
down time you need...
Easier said than done.
I know.
A shout out to another THERESA
for giving me some girltime yesterday...
ahh, those "business meetings" we have
certainly help!
Don't know what I would do without her--
don't want to find out, either!
Thanks, girlfriend!
You saved what little sanity I have left--again!

Until next time,
happy stamping and scrapping!

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