Thursday, March 8, 2012


so sorry---
no fun things to post.
I am fighting again, yet, still---
with doctors
who mistakely think
they are God
and rule the my world.
I've had and known some very good ones
it seems more and more
that they are only out to get
more and more copays
and offer less and less healing and help
than ever before.
I am on a rant--
I know EXACTLY why
I have had a headache for 5 days
not sleeping (again)
and an upset stomach...
oh-and high blood pressure!
Thank you, new dr's office!
I have yet another office visit
and this isn't even to address the hormones
that despretly need adjusting...
(that will probably take at least 3 more visits
and another 4-6 months...)
First they refused to release any test results to me
until they could get me in on March  23rd---
that was unacceptable!
They also thought they weren't going to fax them to me
prior to my visit---wrong again!
I got most of them, but
they refused to release the written copy of one to me
and suddenly can get me in---tomorrow!
(MAJOR mistake number two)
Then after the fact I find out
that a test that was supposed to have been done
no clue why...
so tomorrow
I may be posting from our local jail...!
Until next time, please do some stamping and scrapping
for me!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sharon - hang in there and keep calm-I am ok just taking a breather - my sisters radiotheraphy and work in between is stressful nearly at the end of them then I will try to find time to post.
    Have a good weekend
    Sarah xx
    Please take off yr word verification - so hard to leave comments and I am sure it put lots of people off leave them xx
