Saturday, May 19, 2012

How to...

store your How To's!
Once Upon a Time...
I had not one
but SIX milk crates
loaded down with magazines!
Rubber Stamper, PaperCrafts,
Creating Keepsakes, Scrapbooks, Etc.
and more.
I began to purge.
I took each magazine-
one by one...
and took out the instructions
I really wanted to keep.
Then I purchased a ton of page protectors
and started stapling and organizing.
I also took all the instructions
from classes I've taken
and classes Theresa and I have taught
and put them together.
Over time,
I would simply toss instructions here and there
digital images were helter skelter on the computer
(FYI-back those up!
Theresa lost most of hers when her hard drive crashed!)
I sorted. And sorted.
And today I sorted some more.
And this is the finished product:

I am down to two milk crates!
And I can now actually find what I am looking for
or, if I am not sure what I want to work on...
I can simply thumb through the things I really like
and pick one!

This helped me clean out yet another box from the back bedroom
and, when I come across more instructions
(and I am sure I will!),
I will have a home for them!
It's easier to clean-
when things are culled out, labeled and have a home!

On another note,
this guy

stayed on our deck all day yesterday!
Not sure if he wasn't feeling well
or was just chillin'
(literally-it was cold and rainy yesterday!)
This morning
he actually sniffed  my hand
and let me pet him!
A lot for him!
I was amazed!
He's our feral-been with us since kittenhood
but still extremely skittish around us.

Last night for supper
we had Bad Cat's favorite food
(well, maybe after tuna!)--
he helped himself!
Yes, that's spaghetti sauce on his chin!

Too funny!

Hubby's fixing breakfast-
then maybe I will take a short catnap
(I was up early...)
and then back to the bedroom or craft room
to see what else I can flylady!
It's contagious--
once you get started-
you don't want to stop!

Until next time,
happy stamping and scrapping!


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