Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Under the Sea!

Hope everyone had a nice long week-end.
I had some girlfriends over Monday evening
for dinner and drinks with umbrellas.
We had a nice time
eating, sipping and chatting
and it was a nice way to end the long week-end.

Yesterday was back to work--
work-work as well as doing my

Since I learned a few weeks ago
how to do a photo montage video
that's what I did.
If your ready to go
here it is...
I was going to add the "Under the Sea" music
but thought that would be too distracting
while trying to follow the instructions!
I have not learned, however,
how it picks that "intro" pic-
gotta figure out how I change that! Lol!
Did you like the project tho?
I love Roberta's images!
They are so cute and fun to work with!
I love the fact that, with digi images
you can manipulate them-
flip them, resize them, layer them, crop them
whatever your heart desires!

I had some pampering time
got a MUCH NEEDED haircut and color!
Was quite happy with the results
and it sure helps one's mood and outlook
to look better ---a good step to feeling better!
Today is newsletter day at work
so it will be a mad dash to the post office
in the pouring rain-again.
We're getting the effects of that subtropical storm
oh well-at least we had a beautiful week-end
and the rain (aka hard times)
can make us oh so strong.
Got some of those going on, too-
so thoughts and prayers please
it's a growing season coming up
and I've been through enough of them
that, even knowing there's pain involved,
I look forward to the growth, learning and the
(hopefully!) improved me
that will come as it's result.

Time for more coffee
and to go to work.
Until next time,
happy stamping and scrapping!


  1. Brilliant tutorial, thank you for sharing.
    hugs Dorte

  2. Cool, Sharon, LOVED your video tutorial. That accordion folded frame is a neat idea. WHere did you say you learned how to do the video? I agree, music would have been distracting...
