Monday, September 3, 2012

A day for the birds...

Hubby decided we'd take our little row boat out today
to a park about an hour from home...
we'd not been there before
it was very quiet, secluded
a few kayakers
but not much wildlife
and all the trees appeared to be dead!
A gentleman there said there'd been a beetle infestation
and a storm that pushed salt up the river..
If we're right--this is a small green Heron...

My tour guide and rower...

Came home to butterflies in the garden...

and at supper time this guy showed up
on our back deck...

the two cats out there didn't get him---
or vice versa!
We *think* this is a juvenile Cooper's Hawk?
Until next time,
happy stamping and scrapping!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photos, Sharon! I love how you share your crazy cats and the beautiful scenery where you live. I've nominated you and your blog for the Liebster award. I enjoy reading your thoughts as well as CASE-ing your ideas from time to time. More people should know about you! See the details of the Liebster on my blog,
