Saturday, September 1, 2012

Once In a Blue Moon & Misc.

Thursday night found me
tossing and turning
turning and tossing
and sleepless in OKI.
I finally gave up at 5 AM
(I had been awake since 2...)
and blog hopped
and as the dawn was breaking
went out on our deck to feed our feral cat
and saw this---
this is our BLUE MOON...
from our front deck
and then I raced through the house
and up the steps to our Widow's Walk
and took this photo...

What a way to start my day-
and it was a busy one!
Meeting and then into town
(1 hr. drive one way-and traffic!)
3-4 stops
another meeting
and then drive home.
Helped hubby fry fish, hushpuppies and okra for supper.
Did some e-mailing
and at 10 PM after a nice neck rub-
tried to fall asleep.
Not happening.
Well, we live in a tourist area--
our home is surrounded by rental properties
and this being the last "hoorah" of the season
the houses around us are full.
While the one next door had deck lights blazing
(that shine right into our bedroom window--
NEXT YEAR I am buying light-blocking curtains
for the season---I say this every. single. year.
This time I mean it!)
for some ungodly reason the rentor decided
it was necessary to weed-eat the lawn
at 10 PM.
No-not kidding.
at a rental property
at 10 PM.
Who in their right mind
goes on VACATION
and starts doing yard work
at 10 PM at night?!
Did I mention the dredlocks?
I think they were a wee bit too tight!
At 10:30 I called our friendly police department.
He was like
"they're WHAT?!"
Uh-huh. I know.
They obviously did send someone out
as we've not heard a peep out of them since.
Thank you OIPD.
Can't wait to see that in the local paper this week!
And once I finally got to sleep--
sleep I did!
Nothing crafty to post today-but the day is young!
Some housework to do
a craft show to go to--
and stuff I need to get done
for not one but THREE upcoming craft shows
I am participating in.
Any extra energy
anyone wants to share-
I could sure use it.
I just want to go be like Poppa Cat here...
he was snuggled under
and thought we couldn't see him...
the tale told...!
Until next time,
happy stamping and scrapping!

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