Many many thanks
to all who shopped at our
Holly Days Craft Show
and to Theresa and her helpful family
for all their hard work
in helping us set up, unpack, repack
and tear down.
It's a lot to do in one day
(and it begins in the dark!)
and I honestly don't think
I could do it without them.
Thanks to hubby, too, who did what he could
to help even when it came to the catnip fishing pole crises
the evening before he was due to leave...
Thanks to hubby, too, who did what he could
to help even when it came to the catnip fishing pole crises
the evening before he was due to leave...
Theresa and I met at Holly Days
some years back---
we swapped phone numbers and became fast friends.
Here she is with her side of our "store"...
She keeps me laughing!
My space looked better in personthan it does from the pics I took!
Looks way to cluttered to me -- must be the angle...
I was trying to set up a "dry run"
the day before to figure out
what to and not to take for displaying my goods...
the one out of 4 cats who doesn't like catnip
took over "catnip corner" of my table...
good thing I was just trying to get an idea of
what I wanted to do!
My goddaughter showed up...
look at those hoopy earrings!
We have some great ideas for next year...
and, inbetween time
I am seriously thinking about
an Etsy shop--
even though I've had issues with them
over my (shop) name that we can't seem to resolve.
I may bite the bullet and pick a different one anyway.
We shall see.
I would appreciate any suggestions, pros, cons,
helpful hints from anyone whose got some experience
with Etsy or even e-bay...
A coworker shared her germs on Thursday
then getting overheated loading up in the cool weather on Fri
left me with a scratchy throat and snotty nose
and by last night
well, I really didn't feel well.
SOOOO thankful
for that extra hour sleep...
and I played hookey from church
as I didn't want to make anyone else sick.
Time to repack, inventory, and restock.
One more show for the season...
right after I take another nap...!
Theresa pointed out that I had that hateful word verification thingy
on my blog---
I apologize--and I *THINK* I have taken it off...?!
Until next time,
happy stamping and scrapping!
It was fun and successful !