Sunday, September 29, 2013

I decided last night it was time
to change things up a bit...
so I went in search of some new backgrounds and headers.
I am not huge into Halloween...
back in my childhood
it did not have the negative connotations that it does today.
It's sad that kids now
have no clue what fun it was then.
It was safe, it was oodles of fun
and the smell of new fallen leaves,
burning leaves and pumpkins
along with the crisp chill in the air
(your costume had to be big enough to accommodate
your winter coat underneath--some most years-
I grew up close to the shore of Lake Erie!)
decided this would do--
along with a mini me on a pumpkin
(really not-but looks exactly like me!)
the black kitty could be my Inky
and, speaking of which,
someone who gets very little play on my blog---
Miss Dolly.
My chief catnip toy tester,
is under the weather--we`re not sure what`s up--
other than being extremely VOCAL all of a sudden...
we took a trip to the vet Friday-so we shall see what the lab work says.
Anyway-I digress-
my chief catnip toy tester wasn`t up to par.
So I went to the B-string.
Catnip toys are my best seller at craft shows.
I have sewn an army of catnip mice---tired of them.
I have sewn a sea full of catnip fish--tired of them.
So was trying to come up with something new...
a new version of catnip MOUSE...!
This was only after one cup of coffee--
so these are just my test toys.
Bad Cat and Poppa Cat just sniffed, gave a little toss
and stopped.
But Ms. Dolly....oh gosh Molly Ms. Dolly!
I should have filmed a video---
just scroll down really fast and you'll get the idea...

 She was thrilled!
I think I need to make a little flip book of these shots!
Pardon the background--
I didn't edit these as I am sitting on our deck
facing the sun and ocean
and can barely see the screen!
She even came in for a close-up...

That's my girl!
The shape of the toy really doesn't matter all that much-
that is more people-pleasing/teasing than anything.
If you have great quality catnip
that's all the cats care about.
These I did out of felt-
and I don't think the boys really like the feel of that.
I've tried it before and even with the great catnip--
they seem to bypass it.
Not decided yet.
But the catnip toy stock is down to 0
so I'd better get sewing!
That's it for today.
Until next time,
happy stamping and scrapping.

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