Friday, April 10, 2015

A Whole Crop of Thank You's and Washi Tape: it's not just for crafting!

Hi there!
I have a lot of pictures today and a lot to share!
So grab your fav beverage and settle in for a few....!
First, I will give credit where credit it due...
the images used in today's cards are from
Mo's Digital Pencil.
The idea (technique) for today's card was cased from
My pics look dark in Blogger-no clue why....

I needed thank you notes and not 5 minutes after I thought,
"Gee, what am I going to make?"
I saw Dawn's post and was stunned!!!
This was soooo cool!
And I knew EXACTLY what I wanted to do!
I love this image from  Mo...

and it has nothing  to do with the fact that
there's a CAT in the chair with her...hidden by the flap!
The other image I wanted to use was Mo's "shucks"
It just called out SWEET corn to me!

And since my birthday gift to myself
were some new Copic colors-and they came the same day--
sitting a coloring was a good way to continue to celebrate!

In case you are wondering how I did the chair---
I put the image in Publisher and cropped out all but the chair.
Then I duplicated it on the page x 6
cut my dp to 8 1/2x11" and ran it through.
I repeated the process with just the girl and the cat
(although A LOT more of them fit on one piece of cardstock!)
and then fussy cut it all.
Of course I popped it all up!
I want to try adding some mini mini bows to her pigtails next time!



Those are my cards!
On to new unexpected uses for Washi Tape!
Poppa Cat as you know if you've followed my blog
has had a number of health issues
and we are still fine-tuning all his medicines
and the pharmacy we had been using closed
so that changed things up as well.
So now I have two almost identical bottles
and two identical syringes
and of course each have different meds and dosages.
Not wanting to confuse myself-
and that is so easy to do lately---
oh-and one is 1x a day
and the other 2x a day....!
when I needed a solution I headed for the craft room.
One med is super oily
and the numbers soon rub off of the syringe.
I had used a piece of duct tape to mark the dose
on the old syringe---
so why not try some WASHI TAPE
for the new ones?!
The AM med (1x a day) got bright yellow
(sunrise--it will  help when my eyes aren't quite open
and coffee hasn't had time to kick in!)
and the nighttime med got black w/white polka dots
at the dose line
(since it gets dark at night---)
along with the yellow above it
(since he gets it 2x a day)
So---we'll see how the crafty nurse does with med rounds
with washi-tape coded syringes!
Last week-end I was home alone
and med duty fell to me alone.
Have you ever tried to pill a cat?
Have you ever tried to pill a cat followed by
doses of liquid medicine?
I have my technique down pat!
I take a large, heavy towel
and wrap the cat up snuggly in it
so just his head is sticking out
(you need to have those paws covered-trust me!)
Next I sit down with my legs spread open,
place the towel-wrapped cat with his butt up against my body,
head facing my feet.
Then I wrap my legs around the front of him
so he is in a secure hold-with my legs!
I am right-handed, so now I get his head into the crook of my
left arm,
facing semi-forward and semi toward the right.
This gives me the advantage of prying the bottom jaw open
with my left hand and the pill-popper and/or syringe
while I shove the medicine in with my right hand.
Repeat the above process as often as necessary.
Preceeding  said process with a treat-
followed by more treats after the process
(providing there has not been any blood shed)
is highly recommended.
Now---it's not as hard as it sounds.
We had Bad Cat to practice on before Poppa Cat
so I feel like I am a cat-wrangling expert!
Hey, is that a category in the Olympics?!

I will post my tale of my digital stamp organization.
So stay tuned.
Until next time,
happy stamping and scrapping!



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