What do you mean I have HOMEWORK?! Yep---my acupuncturist...gave me homework yesterday! I was told that I need to loosen up and let it go. I need to stop hanging onto stuff, reliving stuff, chewing on it like a terrier with playing tug-of-war with a chew toy! LET IT GO, SHARON! Let STuFf move on up and out and LET IT GO. Ok-so---did she know she was quoting Matthew 10:14 (actually, vs. 5-42 are pretty awesome to but I digress)---Matthew 10:14 says: If anyone will not welcome you or----LISTEN TO YOUR WORDS---shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town" Didjacatch that? IF someone does not LISTEN to your words....shake their dust off, SISTA, and MOVE IT ON!!!! Get beyond it, above it, over it, around it---WHATEVER it takes-BUT MOVE IT ON!!!! Then---Oh yeah, GOd is working on my big-time!!---THe words from Ephesians 4:25-26 ---"In your ANGER do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry" is what vs. 26 says! Before that, though, 25 says---well---read Ephesians 4:25-32. I quoted from the New International version. Ya see--one thing Page (my acupuncturist) picked up on was I am angry. And I hang on to it. I have hashed and rehashed my not-so-plesant experience with my local dr.---and the anger intensifies each time! How do I let it go. Well, duh, Sharon---GOD put it in black and white! SHake the dust off-MOVE on. GET IT OUT before the sun goes down so you can sleep-like a baby. So-last night, I did just that. I cleaned the slate. And I slept. And tonight I will check that chalkboard again and use HIS (because the power, strength and how-to comes from HIM-not me!) eraser to get the day off and behind me. I also saw a sign I want to make this week-end. It said "THE CURE FOR ANYTHING IS SALTWATER: SWEAT, TEARS OR THE SEA". Oh yeah. He talks about water a lot, too. I will save that for another day. Ladies in our church 3 years ago, did a Bible study entitled "Taking Off the Robes". We're getting ready to do it again. I am PUMPED! I am agonna be shakin that stuff off! It has no hold--unless I give it the power to! Ok-so the tears are pumpin'. God gave me an awesome friend named Theresa. SHe has put up with well, a lot of sweat and tears from me---but what amazes me the most about Theresa is---she can laugh her way through almost anything. When she told me the story (while I was driving!) about having lost her husband, falling down a flight of stairs with her darling daughter who has Downs in her arms-and two small boys at the bottom not quite sure what to do---Theresa broke not one but both of her arms in that fall. With 3 children to care for and support-on her own. She told that story and I almost had to pull the car over because she had me laughing so hard I couldn't see to drive! Laughing. I am letting it go. It felt GOOD. I am gonna laugh. I am gonna MOVE (ok-I get the flylady movement thing, too!)---and---drumroll please--the ideas for "A CROP A QUARTER" are flying fast and furious. Our groupies--please pray! We want to plan a special event for Jan. 2011--that will hopefully turn into at least well, a crop a quarter! See-I am taking all that NEGATIVE energy that was draining my battery---and using it for GOOD--! Not only can we plan this thing-we can MAKE IT HAPPEN! And it will be AWESOME. A store? Someday? No sweat! We just need $. It too, can happen! I think...I got that homework thing figured out!!! Stay tuned-stamping stuff coming up soon---gotta do some crisis cleaning of the house and then stamp! Until next time, happy stamping and scrapping! Blessings, Sharon
ps/GOD BLESS YOU, MY FRIEND! You can tell it to me like it is-and I listen... and eventually get it! Harold sent you--I know it sure as I am stitting here!
You are doing all the right things for you!!!! Hooray!!!! Thanks for the comppliments~