Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I've Not Abandoned My Blog!!!

I am still here--alive and well! Counting my blessings even if today was EXTREMELY challenging! I've just been very, very busy with other things---Theresa taught our groupies last week Tues. and that was the last real chance I've had to "play" with anything paper and creative of that nature! I was busy preparing for the "sermon" I gave at our church on Sunday--while I stripped-- at the 9:30 service. God has moved mountains in my life in these past few weeks since my visit to the ER and I couldn't keep still and quiet about it. If any of you ladies ever have the opportunity to get involved with a Bible Study called Moving In Faith-Taking Off the Robes (hence my "striptease"!) by Jennifer Kostyal-DO IT!!! I need to send a shout out of thanks here to Theresa--who laughed with me at our local flea market over 6 very ugly bathrobes that I had layered on all at once! For her patience, too, in helping me reach the point where I could take off the robes of fear, negative words & criticism, rejection, etc. And to all of those at my church-my pastor, the praise band--who just let me plan EVERYTHING and "bowed down" to what I needed/wanted at the last minute-these people are AWESOME! My pastor had no clue what I was going to get up there and say---he just let me let 'er rip! Greg and team bent over backwards to make it all happen with praise songs that fit my topic. And my hubby? Well--it was the 10th anniversary of our first date---and let me tell you, I felt like a brand new bride all over again between my manicure, pedicure, new outfit complete with perfumed oils---for those of you who might not know my story--I've spent a lot of years "in hiding" so to speak-when you've been abused you try to be unnoticed. Not anymore! This gal has come out of her cocoon! Thank you, JESUS! SIgh. It's newsletter week at my "real" job
(church secretary!)---and then we are going to the VA State Fair this week-end---so I will still be MIA in the crafting world for awhile. Bear with me--I promise lots of good things between my return and the end of the year! Until next time, just know that Jesus loves you---just wherever you are---no matter what. And so do I, sister! Blessings, Sharon

1 comment:

  1. Take care hun - and look forward to your return...award for you on my blog - and hurry back
