Friday, October 22, 2010

But I have a good excuse...

I know-I PROMISED pics of the pages--yesterday--I am a day behind and, if I could find the checkbook well, we won't go there---but I have a good excuse...I worked yesterday am-even went in early-home to bank frustrations (if I ever get a debit card that actually works I will consider it nothing short of a MIRACLE!)--to rush out the door to pick up my soon-to-be 11 year old goddaughter who is really going on 35! She came and played at my class Tues. evening and is now recruited to help me declutter and org the black abyss-the magic kingdom--aka the craft room! I have a show in less than 2 weeks and have done...nothing new! Need room--hence the crisis cleaning. And, the other part of my excuse is---my hubby has the rest of the fair photos on his camera--and I need to get them from him so there are actually some photos on the pages rather than just well, blank pages! So-hang in with me.
Cleaning. Since I fired my dr. and stopped all my meds-and feel 95% better than I have in at least 2 years...I suddenly see how little I was able to do--and how much needs to be done! Maybe its a "get ready for winter hibernation" or late spring cleaning or nesting thing (no, not pregnant!)--but I want ALL the clutter and stuff gone NOW and what has to stay-organized.
Go check out I am going to go and put her cd on and tackle the craft room. First things first---PRIORITIES and all that. THAT room usually waits..until last. Today-I am starting with it! So-without further ado, until next time happy stamping and scrapping. Blessings, Sharon

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