Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Off with their heads...!

Tomorrow---I promise to post the page---or rather PAGES our "groupies" did in class last night. It's awesome if I do say so myself! Using the *NEW* Close to My Heart Magic book and their *NEW* FLIP FLAPS---we created an interactive PAGES in no time! The hardest part was learning how to "stamp off" an image. You know-ink the stamp, stamp off, then stamp the real deal? We we using an Autumn set--I think it's called Nature's Veins---we stamped off the leaf then stamped the veins in the first stamp image. COOL! Ha-pun intended!

Now for the venting part...For a variety of different reasons, I've contacted a variety of my favorite bloggers-asking questions, seeking input and feedback--some even for "I am willing to pay for...." services....NONE OF THEM have had the courtesy of responding! INSERT MAJOR SAD FACE HERE... I know...we're all busy-it's coming up on holiday season(s), yada yada-but heck, if you have a blog...and someone is interested enough in what you do to contact you...then I think--no-I STRONGLY should have at least the common courtesy to send an e-mail reply even if it's nothing more than to say "I don't have time to deal with you!"!!! Yep-the natural red-headed StampQueen has been slighted and ticked off-big time. Pulling links off my fav list, way of saying "OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!"'
Tomorrow--my goddaughter comes to help me organize my magic kingdom. I had been ill, then traveling, now overwhelmed-for ice cream and some scrapbooking together time soon-to-be 11 year old help can be bought! Just having extra hands for 3-4 hours will make a world of difference!
Until next time-happy stamping and scrapping. Blessings, Sharon

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