Monday, June 21, 2010

Some more family members...

No, I didn't adopt any more cats--not even a dog, hamster get the idea! These are the "outside kitties" aka Cococa Puff (can you guess which one?! lol!) and Moe. I don't get very many pictures of them---let alone a chance to get them together in one shot! Saturday I got lucky! They've lived here since they were kittens and, even though I feed them every day, talk to them and they to me (what? you've never listened or talked to the animals?!) they will not let me close enough to pet them. They are still scared of us. The few times I have gotten one "swipe" or two in, they were soft as silk! They are funny-they play and tumble around together, and Cocoa Puff consistently rubs up against Moe as if to say "I love you-you're my buddy!" I know-my husband calls the "crazy cat lady!" Hope they made you smile. Until next time, happy stamping and scrapping. Blessings, Sharon

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