And I am sure I am not alone in this! Why do we do this to ourselves? Christmas comes the same time each year-and yet we seem to let it SNEAK UP ON US! Check out Flylady's website and her Holiday Control Journal. I may just blow the dust off mine and try and catch up---right after Theresa and I go shopping today! Seriously, take a few minutes and think on what this season is all about. We've all heard the "Jesus is the reason for the season" but Pastor Fred threw a new one at us. Someone had sent him an e-mail of a woman's tummy---a VERY PREGNANT woman's tummy--and you could very clearly see this tiny foot pushing out against it...Christmas...It's about "the WHOM in the WOMB". God came as a Baby...who doesn't love a baby. Why, then, can we not love the MAN he grew into...? Sigh. THE SONG that was the turning point in my becoming a Christian, that and the love of a youth group who adopted me, named me Mom and showed me what true LOVE was all about...Jon and his guitar...and BABY SONG....which goes like this:
Well, I bet your Mommy cuddled you when you began to cry; she fed you when you wanted food; she held you up in her arms and kept away all the little harms and loved you only like a mother could; and I bet you played in your cradle, climbed upon the kitchen table and wet your diapers in the night; you played with little wooden toys like all the other little boys and you grew up doing what you knew was right. And I bet you played with your friends in the valley where the Jordan bends, and you fell down and skinned your little knee; You went back home and shed a tear, cried to your mother dear, and she fixed it up and kissed your little cheek. And I bet as you grew older and the chilly winds grew colder, you used to fish in the mountain streams; You learned about the laws of life, walking daily in the Light, and seeing life and things and earthly dreams. And I bet you cried unlike a man when they drove the nails in your hands and you died like a robber on that tree....but I know you live, you're still alive and like a child with a tear in his eye, you shed a tear that fell...and set me free. (end song)....Baby Song...the song of the Christ child-the song of Christmas---THE GIFT. I may not have a tree up or a wreath on the door---but there is a small, "exploding" box sitting on my dining room table...that has a story that tells of shepherds and the birth of a babe...and in the center....a mom, dad, and the WHOM who was in the WOMB...Yes, take time...say thanks...enjoy the hush and the miracle...ask Him in...
On another note...
The Spring 2009 CLOSE TO MY HEART catalogs are here! I am so excited!!! There are lots of new stamp sets and papers that I absolutely want and have to have! A few things are going up in price so check your old ones and let me know if you want to order before Dec. 31st!
Until next time....Happy stamping and scrapping. Blessings, Sharon
ps/This pic...is INKY (the problem/sick kitty)-he was just a few months old in 2006 and LOVED the Christmas tree! He was shaking branches and climbing while we were putting it together (Mom's allergic to the "real deal")--but left it alone and stayed out of it once we got it decorated! He's a really good kitty!